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Artist Application Guideline

How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in Keep It Flowing.  We continually seek a diverse range of artists for graphic arts, mural painting and teaching opportunities in the State of Hawai’i.

Please submit your resume and a portfolio of work samples. We review these submissions weekly.

  • Applicants fully qualified to receive a mural commission will be placed in a pool to receive RFQs (requests for qualifications) and RFPs (requests for proposals) for upcoming commissions.
  • Applicants with strong skills who would benefit from more mural experience will be placed in a pool to be considered to either assist in future mural projects or enter the Mural Training Program.
  • Applicants please also include your website and or social media pages.

Please submit the following items to complete the portfolio submission process:

  • Completed the form below
  • Upload your current resume
  • Upload up to 10 digital images uploaded as part of this on-line electronic form.
  • Digital images should have the following specifications: jpg or png, RGB color, and 1240 pixels X 1240 pixels maximum in size.
  • The following naming conventions should be used for your digital images: your last name, first initial of your first name, number 01 through 10, and then the .jpg extension (ex. smithj-0l.jpg)
  • Color printed images should be on 8.5 x 11 paper and should be labeled on the back in the following manner: # 1-10, artist’s name, title of work, size and date.
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If your portfolio is not live, please email us a complete resume with samples of work to
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