On February 28, 2020, KHON published their coverage of the relationships and similarities to Hawaiian and Hip Hop Culture. Hip Hop was birthed in the late 1960’s in New York City. There were many creative elements spawning during the late 60’s in NYC that were created predominantly by African and Latino Americans through the medium of art, music and dance. The art of Writing (aerosol art culture) was the first element then followed by Going off (other known as Breaking). It wasn’t until the early 80’s that the creative based art forms were corralled into one title and birthed into the movement called Hip Hop Culture. Founder and CEO, Ken Nishimura has traveled to New York City and has been mentored by veterans of the culture since 1986. He was a member of the Rock Steady Crew for almost 20 years and most importantly, a student to the legendary and late Hip Hop artist PHASE2.
Ken was interviewed by KHON to share his knowledge on the relationships between Hawaiian and Hip Hop Culture through visual and performance based arts and how it can strengthen communities.