To celebrate working with the Hawaii Meth Project for one year, we visited the location of the very first mural we created with the Hawaii Meth Project’s message — Not Even Once — here in Hawaii. The Not Even Once Mural Project promotes a meth-free life and raises awareness about meth at Hawaii schools and youth centers. To commemorate this anniversary Keep It Flowing muralists Trysen Kaneshige and Ken Nishimura visited the site of the very first Not Even Once mural. This inaugural mural can be found at The Boys and Girls Club in Lahaina, Maui. Both artists added more fish to the ocean mural. While they were painting at the Club, they reconnected with the youth and the staff. They also led free art workshop which was conducted by Kaneshige. We are happy that the youth that visit this club daily, approximately 100 youth on average, are exposed to this important message. Many thanks to BGC Director Danae Marin, Uncle Joe and Sule for inviting us back to the BGC Lahaina Club! Read more about our anniversary here: